Platform FAQ2020-10-19T11:23:14+02:00

Platform FAQ

With our Platform FAQ you’ll find all the answers to your questions about Amiti Plex, its features, the admin interface and other related content.

How do I log into my account?2019-06-21T14:29:58+02:00

On your scheme website, click on the top right on the LOGIN block, complete your email address and password and click Login.

How do I reset my password?2019-06-20T10:04:26+02:00

Click on the top right on the LOGIN button on the scheme website. You will now see a pop- up window, at the bottom of this window click on “Having trouble logging in?” Then select “I forgot my password”, enter your email address and click resend.

How do I sign up as a member?2019-06-20T10:29:04+02:00

If you have not yet received an invite from your scheme, click on the top right on the LOGIN button on the scheme website. You will now see a pop-up window, at the bottom of this window click on “Having trouble logging in?” Then select “I do not have an account” and complete the form.

How do I update my details?2019-06-20T10:26:06+02:00

Once you are logged into the website, click on your name (top right), then down the menu click on Profile.
Your can now select any of the tabs (user details, Physical Address, Postal Address, Properties or Reset Password).
NB – remember to click Update at the bottom of the page before closing or moving away to any other page on the website.

How do I use the Social Login option?2019-06-20T10:26:14+02:00

If you have been invited on a Gmail address, and you are currently logged in to your Gmail, then clicking on the Social Login button will log you immediately into the scheme website. This is quite handy if you are often logged into your Gmail at the same time as your scheme site, or if your browser has saved your Gmail login details.

How do I view Documents?2019-06-20T10:26:21+02:00

In the top menu bar, click on Documents. In the middle of the page, click on any of the squares to open a folder. To see a preview of a file, click on the square with the name of file. On the right side of the page will be an option to download the file.

How do I view previous Notices, Emails, Newsletter or Text Messages?2019-06-20T10:27:51+02:00

In the top menu bar, click on Communications. On the left will be a menu where you can select the type of communication you are looking for (Notices, Newsletters, Emails or Text Messages).

I can’t login to my account2019-06-20T09:37:00+02:00

Make sure that you have activated your account by clicking the link in a second verification the email you received from Amiti Plex.

I have forgotten my password, what do I do?2019-06-20T09:39:07+02:00

At the bottom of the Sign In block, click on Reset Password and follow the instructions of the email that you will receive.

I have not received my invitation mail?2019-06-20T10:28:20+02:00

If you have not yet received, or can’t find your invitation mail from your scheme, click on the top right on the LOGIN button on the scheme website. You will now see a pop-up window, at the bottom of this window click on “Having trouble logging in?” Then select “I did not receive my invitation mail”, enter your email address and click resend.

If I sent a message on the Contact Us page, who will receive this?2019-06-20T10:05:06+02:00

The Contact Us page allows members to send a message to your scheme administrators or Scheme Executives.

Where do the photos in the Gallery page come from?2019-06-20T10:29:20+02:00

The photos in the Gallery section are uploaded by the scheme administrators.

Why are there pictures of Sponsors on my scheme’s website?2019-06-21T14:32:37+02:00

Sponsors are service providers that have decided to make contributions to your scheme’s monthly PLEX fee, in return they are given an opportunity to have their logo or picture displayed on the scheme website.

Why can’t I see the email I’m looking for?2019-06-20T10:29:38+02:00

Members can only view emails if they were recipients of the mail at the time that the mail was sent out.

Why do I have to activate my account?2019-06-20T09:38:32+02:00

By doing this check we also ensure that only you will have access to your account on the Amiti Plex site. By activating your account we can verify that you are a real person and that you have a valid email address.

How do I add a Service Provider?2019-06-20T11:34:57+02:00

On the left hand main menu, mouse over the “Service Providers” and click on the + New Provider, alternatively on the Service Providers Listing Page, click on the top right button labeled “+ New Provider”.

The basic requirements for a New Provider are: Provider Name, short description and Provider Type (Bondholder, Contractor, General, Professional).

How do I add Service Provider Additional info & Contact?2019-06-20T11:38:45+02:00

Locate the Provider from the listing page, click on the Name.

Edit Provider Page, has two main tabs, Details and Address and two widgets, “Link a Contact” and “Internal Notes”.

How do I change my Scheme’s details?2019-06-20T10:56:41+02:00

At the top of your dashboard page, click on your “Scheme Name” or “Scheme Prefix”, on the hover drop-down sub-menu click on Edit Scheme Details. This will open your scheme details page where you can update all the information of your scheme.

The Scheme Website tab will also allow you to change the information and pictures on your scheme’s website.

How do I change my Scheme’s Website?2019-06-20T10:58:24+02:00

At the top of your dashboard page, click on your “Scheme Name” or “Scheme Prefix”, on the hover drop-down sub-menu click on Edit Scheme Details. This will open your scheme details page where you will find the “Scheme Website” tab will also allow you to change the information and pictures on your scheme’s website.

How do I link a registered owner to a property?2019-06-20T10:06:16+02:00
How do I make a Service Provider a Sponsor?2019-06-20T11:47:44+02:00

On the left hand main menu, mouse over the “Service Providers” and click on the “View All Providers”.

On the Listing Page, Locate the Provider from the listing page, click on the Name.

Four things to look out for:

  • Make sure your “About” description (* 800 words or less) is concise;
  • Add “Link a Contact” (* Recommended), click the small Save button
  • Upload a Banner Image (* Recommended size: 546 x 374 pixels)
  • Add a Website address (* Optional)

Always remember to click the Update button on the bottom of the page.

How do I update a User’s details?2019-06-20T10:54:49+02:00

On the left menu bar select Users. Click on the User Name. You can now update any of the User’s details. Remember to click UPDATE before moving away from the page!

How to add a Property to my Scheme?2019-06-20T10:51:57+02:00

One the Dashboard page, click on the left on the plus mark next to Properties, or alternatively click on the Add Property button at the bottom of the dashboard page. You can also make use of the options and sub-menu’s on the blue menu bar on the left side of the page.

Continue by adding the property (unit) details and clicking “add property”. After completion you will be given the option to create a new additional property, link a user, add a registered owner to the property.

How to add a User to a Property?2019-06-20T10:51:10+02:00

Two ways this can by done.

On Property creation phase, add “New Property Details”, click save, and you will be presented with the “Add Property Options” where you can associate a user by “Link An Existing User” or “Invite New User” (Primary Contact, Alternate Contact or Tenant)


On the Property Listings page, click on the property number hyperlink. On the Property page, right side widget named “Associated Users”, click the right click on the plus sign to either add an existing user or invite a new person. Remember to click update before moving away from this page!

What is a Primary Contact?2019-06-20T10:46:10+02:00

A Primary Contact (usually the owner) is the most important (and first) contact person for a specific property.

Why can’t I add more than one Primary/Alternate Contact to a Property?2019-06-20T10:53:08+02:00

A Property can only ever have one Primary and one Alternate Contact.

Why can’t I add a user as Primary/Alternate Contact2019-06-20T10:49:46+02:00

Make sure that this is the only Primary or Alternate Contact for this property. Also confirm (by using the drop-down menu) if the user is an occupant of the unit or not. You need to always specify if a Primary or Alternate contact is an occupant or not.

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